Discus QT PRO kit (20g x4)
- Description
DiscusX Quarantine kit PRO contains all the means you need to carry out a prophylactic treatment of companion fish, such as discus The agent effectively removes parasites.
Proven treatment
Documentation of tests has been carried out by Discus X CO., LTD. and includes 1500 discus fish from 11 farms in three countries.
Sampling took place before treatment to confirm parasite infestation. In addition to this, bacteria were also analyzed. Treatment protocols included in this kit have been shown to free Disus from Dactylogyrus (flukes), Cestoda (tapeworm), Capillaria (nematode worm), Costia, Trichodina, Oodinium and Columnaris.
The agents also greatly reduce intestinal flagellates, which increase under stress. Which in turn reduces the fish’s appetite, makes it dark in color, and causes lethargy and white stools.
Treatment areas:
Aeromonas salmonicida (Furunculosis)
Flexibacter maritimus (Marine columnaris)
Flavobacterium branchiophilum (BGD)
Flavobacterium columnaris (Columnaris)
Vibrio anguillarum (Vibrios)
Vibrio harveyi
Hemorrhagic septicemia virus
Gyrodactylus salaris
Ichthyobodo necator (Costia)
Ichthyophthirius multifilis (white spot)
Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Amoebic Gill Disease)
Nematodes (capillaria, Camallanus, discus maggot … etc.)
QT kit PRO contains:
• Bactocide 1 x 20 g (ingredient: Usnea lichen extract, Terminalia catappa extract, ginger, Echinacea pupure extract)
• WORMER X x 20 g (ingredient: Levamisole HCL)
• FLUKE X x 20 g (ingredient: (RS) -2- ( cyclohexylcarbonyl) -1,2,3,6,7,11b-hexahydro-4H-pyrazino [2,1- a] isoquinolin-4-one)
• Chloramine-T x 20 g (ingredient: Chloramine-T)
Important! To achieve the promised results , the instructions MUST be followed exactly without any changes. Any change can lead to incomplete parasite eradication or incomplete disease treatment.
Before you start:
a. It is always recommended to treat new fish in quarantine aquarium. Ideally, a quarantine aquarium only has an oxygen tank to supply air and a heater to control the temperature (30-32 °C during treatment is recommended). Sponge filters or other types of filters are not required as large water changes must still be carried out.
b.If your aquariums are not newly started and thus previously had fish, it is recommended that you sterilize them. Most economical method is to use bleach * 50 ml / 100 liters of aquarium water for 24 hours. After this, the water is drained out and then you rinse the aquarium well and remove the rinse water. Fill the aquarium with water again and add a water conditioning agent in a normal dose. Make sure it doesn’t smell like chlorine. Complete this procedure at least 24-48 hours before adding new fish.
WARNING: After sterilizing with bleach, remove all water and rinse the aquarium well before refilling. Failure to remove all traces of chlorine before adding new fish can cause death or serious injury to your fish.
Day 1:
a. On the day of receiving your new fish, the first step will be a chloramine T bath for 4 hours in an external container before placing them in the aquarium.
b. Prepare container with 20-30 liters of water (you can use the styrofoam box that the fish was transported in or a plastic tub) with air stones in. We call this a water bath. Let the fish bags acclimatize to room temperature so that the temperature in the prepared water baths is equal to the bags. Open fish bags in which the fish were shipped and immediately remove the fish (without the shipping water) to the receiving water bath.
c. Prepare a mixture of Chloramine-T with water and add the correct dose to the water bath depending on your pH and water hardness. Follow the instructions in the Chloramine-T data sheet.
d.Monitor the fish closely for four hours, normally the fish should be relaxed. If there is any sign of excessive stress or the fish looks restless, move it to the aquarium immediately. After four hours have passed, the fish are moved to their aquarium.
e. After moving all the fish to the aquarium, add Bactocide 1 (for dosage see Bactocide instructions)
Tip: it is beneficial to add 1g of salt per liter to improve osmotic balance and reduce stress during the first seven days.
Day 2: After 24 hours have passed since the addition of Bactocide, do a 70-100% water change and repeat the dose.
Tip: You can change the water every 48 hours instead of 24 hours by adding a suitable water preparation product that protects the fish from ammonia. A dose that neutralizes up to 1 mg/L of ammonia is recommended.
Day 8: Perform 100% water change.
Day 9: Stop feeding and add FLUKE X and WORMER X according to the instructions on each product FLUKE X and WORMER X do not need water changes to work, but the water is changed because there is no biological filtering.
Tip: As with Bactocide if you use a product to neutralize ammonia you can extend the water change intervals to 48 hours instead of 24 hours.
Note: even if you have an active biofilter, the effect will be reduced or eliminated when using Bactocide.
Day 11: Perform 100% water change and dose only Fluke X (do not add more Wormer X).
Day 16: The treatment ends with a water change.