Bactocide 2 20g
- Description
DiscusX Bactocide 2 – For 260 liters – 20 g is an effective combination of ingredients known to counteract Protozoa, fungi and unwanted bacteria in companion fish. Bactocide 2 therefore works synergistically, with fast and strong results, while the agent is gentle on the aquarium fish. Since the fish absorb Bactocide 2 easily, it makes the agent very effective against both external and internal diseases.
When should Bactocide 2 be used?
Swim bladder infection, fish unable to swim upright, swollen belly, shy fish not eating (with or without white stringy stools), thick white stools, cloudy eyes, bulging eyes.
Instruction:Measure with the included spoon (1 gram) for every 40 liters of aquarium water. Dissolve the dose in a small container of aquarium water and then distribute it evenly over the surface, or pour it near the pump outlet. Dry the spoon until it is dry before putting it back in the bag. Replace approx. 70-100% of the water every 24 hours. If you use means to neutralize ammonia, you can extend the treatment period by 48 hours. Repeat the treatment 6 times every 24 hours or every 48 hours if you use means. Extend the treatment up to ten days in case of severe infections.
Do not stop treatment at signs of recovery (to avoid re-infection), but continue treatment for at least six days. In the event of a bloated stomach, we recommend adding 20 mg of Epsom salt per 100 liters of water.
Caution: Store in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children. For pet fish only, may not be used on fish intended for food. Baktocide 2 will affect your filter bacteria, so it is preferable to use the agent in a separate quarantine aquarium during treatment. This applies except if you are dealing with fish plague, where the treatment should take place in the aquarium with all fish and filters running. All tools, nets and hoses must be disinfected. Well-established filters do not lose all of their capacity.
Ingredients:Allicin (garlic extract), Hydrastis (carrot extract), Terminalia catappa (tropical almond extract), Gingerol (ginger extract), Echinacea pupurea (Red sun hat extract), protective properties of phytochemicals from plant parts.